
Petter Sundkvist


Words from the Press

A selection of extracts from concert reviews:

Concert with Royal Scottish National Orchestra:

Since the days of Alexander Gibson, the RSNO have demonstrated a rare affinity for the music of Sibelius and with the young Swedish conductor Petter Sundkvist the result was even better. THE HERALD

Concert with Stavanger Symphony orchestra:

Den utmerkede dirigenten Petter Sundkvist ledet til slutt orkesteret i Tjajkovskijs fantasiouverture «Romeo og Julie». Den ungdommelige lidenskapens forkavede uro og hensynsløse langsomhet kom her til sin rett STAVANGER AFTONBLAD

Concert with The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra:

Hans dirigering är traditionell i bästa bemärkelse med stora, tydliga slagfigurer som skapar trygghet och den starka sammanhållning som triumferade i finalen. Ett framförande att leva länge på och av det slag jag tror att vår tid törstar efter. SVENSKA DAGBLADET

Concert with Swedish Chamber Orchestra:

Beethovens musik börjar bli Svenska Kammarorkesterns specialområde. Petter Sundkvist inspirerade orkestern till topprestation. En balanserad dialog mellan stråkar och blåsare, klara "temauttal" och en rik dynamisk färgpalett gjorde tolkningen till en upplevelse. NERIKES ALLEHANDA

Concert with Essener Philharmoniker in Essen: "Sundkvist gestaltet hier sensibel die nachvollziehbare Motivik und die Farbwechsel der Partitur." WOLFSBURGER ALLGEMEINE

Concert with Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra:

Allan Petterssons sjunde symfoni blev under Petter Sundkvists sammanbitna ledning ånyo ett omskakande vittnesbörd om en lika tidlös som möjligen fåfäng kamp för skönheten. Sundkvist bevisade otvetydligt att han övertygande och utan att förlora kursen bemästrar även Petterssons notoriskt svårgenomträngliga och vildvuxna partitur. SVENSKA DAGBLADET

A selection of extracts from CD reviews:

The playing and leadership are exceptional in every quarter. Petter Sundkvist never misses a trick when it comes to coaxing the right colour at the appropriate moment and unerringly shaping the melodic contours of Kraus's scores. The performances brim with energy and commitment that would undoubtedly elude others who might attempt to tread here. Commended by energy, elegance, and charm, and crowned by a clear and bright aural perspective, this recording and its precursors are "must haves" for any lover of the Classical era......................... This release consummates a revelatory series of recordings that never ceases to please via the exceptional craft of Kraus, the erudition and insight of Petter Sundkvist, and the strong playing of the Swedish Chamber Orchestra. FANFARE MAGAZINE

Petter Sundkvist gives persuasive and vibrant readings of his fellow countrymen’s works. BBC MUSIC MAGAZINE

Petter Sundkvist builds up the architecture impressively... the performance is such as to deserve a strong recommendation THE GRAMOPHONE

The playing throughout is incredibly beautiful. This orchestra plays with a rich, ripe tone that is completely disarming, and conductor Petter Sundkvist gets the utmost in nuance from every player. CLASSICS TODAY


Photographies: Adam Walanus, Anders Alm